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For an input tag variant ID, this function returns a data frame(tibble format) with population-level summary statistics data across various GWAS studies.


indexVariantsAndStudiesForTagVariant(variant_id, pageindex = 0, pagesize = 20)



Character: generated ID for variants by Open Targets Genetics (e.g. 1_154119580_C_A) or rsId (rs2494663).


Integer: Index of the current page, pagination index >= 0.


Integer: Number of records in a page, pagination size > 0.


Returns a data frame containing the variant associated with the input tag variant. The table consists of the following columns:

  • index_variant: Data frame. Data frame of index variants with the following columns:

    • id: Character vector. Variant ID.

    • rsId: Character vector. rsID of the variant.

  • study: Data frame. Data frame of studies with the following columns:

    • studyId: Character vector. Study identifier.

    • traitReported: Character vector. Reported trait associated with the colocalisation.

    • traitCategory: Character vector. Trait category.

  • pval: Numeric vector. P-value.

  • pval_mantissa: Numeric vector. Mantissa of the p-value.

  • pval_exponent: Integer vector. Exponent of the p-value.

  • n_total: Integer vector. Total number of samples.

  • n_cases: Integer vector. Number of cases.

  • overall_r2: Numeric vector. Overall R-squared value.

  • afr1000g_prop: Numeric vector. Proportion in African population in 1000 Genomes.

  • amr1000g_prop: Numeric vector. Proportion in Admixed American population in 1000 Genomes.

  • eas1000g_prop: Numeric vector. Proportion in East Asian population in 1000 Genomes.

  • eur1000g_prop: Numeric vector. Proportion in European population in 1000 Genomes.

  • sas1000g_prop: Numeric vector. Proportion in South Asian population in 1000 Genomes.

  • log10abf: Numeric vector. Log10 ABF (Approximate Bayes Factor).

  • posterior_probability: Numeric vector. Posterior probability.

  • odds_ratio: Numeric vector. Odds ratio.

  • odds_ratio_ci_lower: Numeric vector. Lower confidence interval of the odds ratio.

  • odds_ratio_ci_upper: Numeric vector. Upper confidence interval of the odds ratio.

  • beta: Numeric vector. Beta value.

  • beta_ci_lower: Numeric vector. Lower confidence interval of the beta value.

  • beta_ci_upper: Numeric vector. Upper confidence interval of the beta value.

  • direction: Character vector. Direction of the effect.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
result <- indexVariantsAndStudiesForTagVariant(variant_id = "1_109274968_G_T")
result <- indexVariantsAndStudiesForTagVariant(variant_id = "rs12740374",
 pageindex = 1, pagesize = 50)
} # }