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For a given study id, this function returns a data frame of relevant information about the GWAS study, such as PubMed ID, studied trait EFO ID, case/control size, etc.





Character: Study ID(s) generated by Open Targets Genetics (e.g GCST90002357).


Returns a data frame (in tibble format) containing the summary iformation about a GWAS study. The data frame has the following data structure:

  • studyId: Character. Study ID.

  • traitReported: Character. Reported trait.

  • source: Character. Source.

  • traitEfos: Character. Trait EFO ID.

  • pmid: Character. PubMed ID.

  • pubDate: Character. Publication date.

  • pubJournal: Character. Publication journal.

  • pubTitle: Character. Publication title.

  • pubAuthor: Character. Publication author.

  • hasSumstats: Character. Indicates if the study has summary statistics.

  • ancestryInitial: Character. Initial ancestry.

  • nInitial: Character. Initial sample size.

  • nReplication: Character. Replication sample size.

  • traitCategory: Character. Trait category.

  • numAssocLoci: Character. Number of associated loci.

  • nTotal: Character. Total sample size.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
result <- studyInfo(study_id = "GCST90002357")
} # }